Sunday, October 24, 2010

treatment, storyboards, schedule


My story is one of perseverance, romance, and tragedy. It takes place poolside in a touristy Mexican resort. Our protagonist (and character from whose perspective, for the most part, the story will be told) is a bee. He is sensitive and passionate, and finds himself in love with a girl (human) who is spending the day by the pool. When he finally builds up enough courage to go to her, however, she carelessly swats him away. The third time he goes to her, she swats him so hard he falls into the pool. He desperately swims toward her, but gains no distance as she continues to splash and move the water away from her. During the struggle, the point of view will switch from the love-struck bee and the girl, who is treating the bee like we all treat an annoying insect trying to land on us. After much effort the bee finally gives up and leaves, exhausted and defeated. Hours later, the girl is in the pool with the drink in her hand hanging out with her friends. Then we see the bee flying at full speed, in a fit of rage. It cuts from the girl to the angry bee, and ends with the bee lunging himself at the girl’s neck with his stinger, and falling dead into the pool. The girl holds her neck shouting, “OW! Seriously?!” It ends on the floating bee.
With this story, I wanted to show a different perspective of a somewhat normal, even mundane situation. I will most likely make it silly and comedic, but I also might decide to make it somewhat serious. I haven’t settled on that yet. I plan on using a couple different animation techniques. I think I want to create the characters in Flash, and make them very cartoon looking, and then draw and scan in and/or rotoscope the rest.

November1- main characters created, half of backgrounds drawn
November8- backgrounds and secondary characters drawn and scanned, main characters animated
November15- audio recorded and backgrounds put into animation
November22- audio imported, secondary characters/background animations added
November25- final touches
November29- final animation due


Sunday, August 29, 2010

gif animation


poop raw

a dog poops, smells it, and walks away

a few images from my animation:

 dog walking up

 dog pooping

dog smelling poop

 dog walking away

poop. (tinted version)

poop tinted

poop. (stylized version)
i used the filter "ink outlines" with a stroke length of 1, dark intensity of 21, and light intensity of 50.

poop stylized